Trips & Excursions
DPS Megacity United Kingdom Visit

At times journeys to distant lands become essential to us, not because we want to know who and what lie beyond the borders of our immediate knowledge and understanding, but to realize where we exactly stand in the context of a greater and more significant world order.
The smooth silken serenity of the luxury coaches sailing across the picturesque countryside, the solemn grandeur of the Christ Church College at Oxford, the impeccable credentials of the University of Warwick, the enriching awe-inspiring magnificence of the city of London, the smell of embalming, lukewarm history at Bath, the impressive infrastructures at the Universities of Bristol and Aston, the cozy bonhomie at the Birmingham Premier Inn, the chaotic dinner table celebrations at the ‘Beefeater’ – are these and truly much more made up the 14 days United Kingdom visit by 15 students of Delhi Public School Megacity, accompanied by their Principal, Mrs. Indrani Sanyal and teacher, Mr. Anirban Roy.
Of course, the essence of the visit lay in the IELTS certification Course that the students underwent in the Bournville College, Birmingham. Pleasant coincidence it was indeed, that the visit had in its initial phase the opportunity to celebrate the Centenary of the Bournville College. Principal Mrs. Indrani Sanyal, was a special guest to this historic event.
This educational trip, apart from acquainting the students with the skills required for IELTS, provided them with an insightful peep into the society, culture, education and vision of the United Kingdom. It made them aware of the highest standards of education and gave them the necessary confidence to embrace it sometimes in the future.
Mrs. Sanyal had the splendid opportunity of visiting the Bromsgrove School (one of the best schools in U.K) and having a day long and significant interaction with their Principal and Headmistress laying the foundation. For future educational collaboration.
Ms. Sudeshna Chatterjee and Ms. Melessa Dalal of the Internal Office of the Bournville College were largely responsible for organizing this trip. Indeed, the arrangements met the expectations of the students and utmost care was taken regarding safe guarding them in the new environment. The school looks forward to many such trips in the future.
The students impressed one and all, with their general proficiency in the English Language and their level of confidence. Moreover, they were much endeared for their boisterous, yet vibrant spontaneity, their earnest gestures of reciprocation and the unfailing regard they had for all concerned.