Medical Facilities

School Infirmary

The School infirmary is looked after by a qualified nurse. Medical Check-up of the students will be regularly carried out and a record maintained. If the doctor / nurse is of the opinion that a child needs special medical attendance the parents will be informed.

Parents should inform the school authorities regarding children with physical disabilities. Special attention can be paid to the concerned child. All parents are requested to impart Health Education to their children.

A. Maintain personal hygiene such as trimming of nails / hair and being neat on a regular basis.
B. Exercise regularly.
C. Sleep at least eight hours daily.
D. Have a balanced diet, nutritionally rich in proteins and milk.
E. Drink water, which is boiled or filtered. All students are advised to bring their bottles from home.
F. Avoid consumption of ice creams, other milk products and eatables from roadside vendors and kiosks.
G. All children should also be:
Dewormed at least once every year, on the advice of the family physician.
Have a dental and ophthalmic check-up once every year by a well qualified dental surgeon and ophthalmologist.
Immunized as per the schedule given:

Health Care

Oral Polio Measles / MMT
Tetanus – Booster dose to be given between 7-16 years of age and also to be given if injured. Typhoid – Every 2/3 years (with oral medicine/injections)
Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Meningitis, Chicken Pox
Students suffering from diseases such as Chicken pox, Cholera, Measles, mumps. Whooping cough and jaundice must observe the prescribed period of quarantine.

Students suffering from infectious diseases such as Conjunctivitis, Dermatitis, Scabies etc. should not be sent to school until they have fully recovered.

Students suffering from chronic diseases etc. are advised to be under continuous medical supervision of a doctor, who is a specialist in the concerned field. A history of their illness must be filled up in the Almanac, along with the treatment and the names of medicines prescribed by the doctor. Parents are also advised to keep the school nurse informed of any medical/ heath problem which may have developed during the academic year.

The medical history of the student must be filled up by the parents in the join of separate sheet.


The DPS Library

The DPS Library is one of the hallmarks of the school. The library houses a wide variety of books and journals. It serves as store house of information related, to prescribed text books and beyond. Its purpose is to inculcate reading habit amongst students.

Renowned works of Fiction, Classics, Self Help Books, Science & Technology Periodicals, Journals related to history, culture, exploration along with selected local and national dailies will be housed here. All articles in the library will be carefully scanned and selected to ensure the correct development of the students.

The School library is open to all students of DPS Megacity. One book per week will be issued to each student. The students should observe the following rules.

Students should borrow books only on their own cards.
Strict silence must be maintained in the library.
Reference books cannot be borrowed and must be used only in the library during a library class after school hours.
Books lost/damaged/disfigured will have to be replaced or paid for by the borrower.
Books have been arranged and catalogued. They must be put back in the proper shelf, if you are not borrowing the same. It will help to keep the library in order.
Personal books/belongings are not supposed to be brought into the library.
Any child found damaging or defacing a library book would be debarred from using the library for a time period, which will be decided upon by the school authorities.
No student may take books out of the library without the permission of the librarian.
The due date for returning the books is 7 days later from the date of issue.
Students should return books on /within the due dates, failing which a fine of Rs.5/- per day will be charged.
It is mandatory for students to return the books before Holidays and the School Examination.


The main purpose of lab work in science education is to provide students with conceptual and theoretical knowledge to help them learn scientific concepts through scientific methods. Labwork is indispensable to understanding Biology. In order to develop this scientific approach and to make learning Biology easy and interesting we have a neat and organized biology lab, which is supplied with the of best equipment.

Lab-work is an integral part of learning Science. The Chemistry laboratory is a place that students love to visit to perform experiments. Although for some the odour is obnoxious and unbearable yet they strive to perform. The school provides its students a state of the art chemistry lab to nurture their interests in learning the subject with practical approach.

The laboratory is well-lit and well-ventilated. We have the exhaust fans working continuously. The lab is well – equipped in quantity and quality of instruments and apparatus. Every individual student’s need is catered to. They work independently under the supervision of the teachers and the lab assistant. Each student is provided with separate Bunsen burner and apparatus for their quick and uninterrupted performance. The lab has a distillation plant of its own which looks into the uninterrupted supply of distilled water throughout the year.

For a safe work environment, instructions on do’s and don’ts in the laboratory are also pasted in the soft-boards at various corners of the lab.

To cater to the safety norms , we have 3 fire-extinguishers in and around the lab and proper exit and evacuation plan in case of an emergency.


Here in Delhi Public School Megacity, infrastructure of the computer laboratories has reached land mark. There are four fully air-conditioned labs in use, which are of approximately of 500 sq ft each, consisting of around 107 computers of latest generation and are assembled by leading manufacturers, comprising of technologies that the city is yet to see.

The Computer Lab uses a stunning new technology of THIN CLINT system which is so far the only one in the city, open for the use of students at school level. Heavy processing power of the server and high speed link via fiber optics from the lab to the server room makes this entire set of 24 terminals operate.


We have the following items in our laboratory :
Meteorological Instruments – Six’s Maximum & Minimum Thermometer
(Used for measuring atmospheric temperature)
Hygrometer or Dry and Wet Bulb Thermometer
(Used for measuring Humidity present in the atmosphere)
Uses: observation and interpretation of collected data
Wind Vane
(Used for detecting the wind direction)
Maps – India
– Rainfall & Temperature Map
– Agricultural Map
– Rocks & Minerals
– Industrial Map
– 7 Physical Maps
– Sea Waves (Erosional Features)
– Ground Water (Karst Topography)
– Glacier (U-shaped Valley)
– Folds
– Rift Valley
– Volcanoes
– Faults
– Contour – Cross sections of different relief features like Cliff, Ridge, Valley & Spur, Water shed, Escarpments, Col or Saddle, Plateau, Conical hill
One Globe
Formation of Fold Mountains
Folding & Faulting
Fold & Volcanic Mountains
Exhibition Charts
– Location, Area & Buffer zone
– Mangrove forests & Pneumatophores
– Occupation (Agriculture & Honey Collection)
– Flora & Fauna World
– Endangered species
– Members of cat family
– Economic development
Models for Exhibition
– Biodiversity of Sunderbans
Rock specimens
The lab also displays various specimens of “Rocks”. The students find these very interesting and get motivated to explore deeper in the subject.
13 small boxes displaying different types of rocks like,
Calcite, Fossils, Gneiss, Shale, Slate, Sandstone, Quartz, Lime stone, Basalt, Granite, Conglomerate, Dolomite, Graphite, Schist)
1 Box displaying following set of rocks like,
Basalt (Igneous), Corundum (Sedimentary), Calcite (Metamorphic), Ditomite (Sedimentary), Granite(Igneous), Dolomite (Sedimentary), limestone (Sedimentary), Magnetite (Igneous), Gypsum (Sedimentary), Magnesite (Sedimentary), Mica (Igneous), Marble (Metamorphic), Quartzite (Metamorphic), Sandstone (Sedimentary), Quartz (Igneous), Pergmetite (Igneous), Rock salt (Sedimentary), Serpentine (Metamorphic), Slate (Metamorphic).
Topographical Maps
Topographical Map interpretation is an important activity for class 9 & 10. These are conducted in the geography lab. The original survey maps have been procured from the Survey of India. In the lab the students study the maps and learn to interprete the various natural & man made features. The lab also contains the models of different natural phenomena’s and these help the students to acquire clear concepts. The lab also facilitates “Light Tracing” of the diagrams.
Exhibition Charts
– Location, Area & Buffer zone
– Mangrove forests & Pneumatophores
– Occupation (Agriculture & Honey Collection)
– Flora & Fauna World
– Endangered species
– Members of cat family
– Economic development
Survey Equipments
– Chain survey
(Equipments Required: meter tape, arrows & iron chain)
For class 11 & 12 the “Survey” forms an important part of their practical syllabus. All the survey instruments are housed in the lab. The “Chain Survey” & the “Plain Table Survey” are conducted to measure parts of the school campus.


A well equipped Mathematics Laboratory has been set up. The Maths Lab is all set with different types of equipments – Brown Stairs, Cylindrical Block, Pink Tower, Golden Beads, Spindle Boxes, Sand Paper Numerals, Measuring cylinder, Meter scale, Geometrical Boxes, Constructive Triangles, Number Rods, Geo- Board, Graph Board,, Mathematical Charts etc.

The lab can accommodate near about 40 to 45 students at a time. Students come to Lab to do their project / practical work. Teachers are also using the Lab for different Mathematical activities in teaching – learning process.

The school provides its students a state of the art Physics Laboratory to nurture their interests in learning the subject with practical approach. It is in the laboratory that physics students learn to practice the activities of scientists – asking questions, performing procedures, collecting data, analyzing data, answering questions, and thinking of new questions to explore.


Laser Driven Magnetometer:

Solar Power Toy Car:

Physics Laboratory:


A large part of the DPS Megacity campus is dedicated to sports activities— cricket, football, athletics, tennis, badminton, basketball, table tennis, martial arts, kickboxing, yoga and shooting. The school is also equipped with a modern gym and two swimming pools. To bring out the child’s maximum potential, we have professionally trained coaches for all sporting activities.








Martial Art




DPS Megacity has excellent arrangement for demonstration, quizzing, presentations, public speaking, training programmes with all latest technology for sound effects in the audio visual room.. It has the capacity to house ninety people with a speaker’s stage with quality audio visual effect, microphone, computers, projectors. The wonderful ambience makes the programmes held in it most absorbing.


Delhi Public School Megacity provides an exclusive bookshop for the students inside the school premises stocking all necessary books for all the classes at reasonable price.

Special well ventilated airy classrooms with large windows., opening upto acres of lush , virgin verdure.


Delhi Public School Megacity, houses a Cafeteria where hygienic and nutritious snacks are available. The importance is given on wholesome and healthy food. Food items are available at highly subsidized rates. The school café is a favourite place for the students and it brims over with energetic youngsters during the Tiffin break.


The whole idea of Science Park in school is to encourage and prepare our students towards a successful future study and continuous contributions in the fields of science and technology. We achieve this by a packed curriculum that is designed by the teachers.


Play Room

Herbal Garden

Yoga Room

Children Park


Dance Room

Music Room

Tabla Room

Server Room



July 17