Admission Procedure
Delhi Public School Megacity, Kolkata
Entrance Examination / Interaction [Offline]
Both copies of the Admit Card are to be brought at the time of Admission Test / Interaction. The Parent’s Card is to be retained by Parent / Guardian and is required to be produced to collect the child after the Admission Test / Interaction is over.
For admission to Nursery, KG-I and KG-II there are no written tests or interviews. Candidates are encouraged to interact freely with the teachers and are given various toys/ coloured pencils to play with. This test judges the mental development, physical ability and basic communication & comprehension skills. Parents’ interaction will be held on the same day as of the child and both parents should be present.
There will be written tests for students seeking admission for Class – I onwards on the following subjects: English, Maths, G.K. and Vernacular language(Bengali/ Hindi). For class XI there will be a written exam on the following subjects: English, Maths, Commerce or Science (physics, chemistry, biology) or History and Geography for approximately 3 hrs for offline examination. For online exams time constraints will not be applicable. For Class – 9, the students have to appear in all subjects based on Class – 8 ICSE Syllabus.
No admission test is required for Class 11 internal students, Provisional admission will be granted to all registered students subject to submission of admission fee and required documents.
Entrance Examination / Interaction [Online]
Online entrance examinations for students living abroad may be arranged upon request from parents, subject to approval by the school management. The examination or interaction will take place on a scheduled date at a mutually convenient time via Zoom or Google Meet, with the link provided through WhatsApp before the exam or interaction date
General Information
The Result will be communicated to the parent through SMS and email. Parents are requested to call school reception to know the result on the result date if SMS not received. The Selection kit will be provided to the selected students only on the registered email ID.
No request for change of dates for the Admission Test / Interview/ Interaction will be entertained.
The final list of selected students will be available in the School Office. Parents have to collect the selection letter from School Office on the same day of declaration of result. The selection kit will also be sent to the registered email ID.
The admission formalities will be intimated to the parents/guardians of the selected candidates along with the fee payment slip through the selection kit. The admission fees are to be deposited within the due date mentioned in the selection letter, and fee slips.
The requisite documents mentioned in the selection letter along with the photocopy of the fee payment acknowledgement receipt to be submitted within the specified date for securing admission. Parents can submit the documents through email to
It is mandatory for all students (Class 2 onwards) to submit the Transfer Certificate and Report Card / Mark Sheet from the last School attended. No student will be admitted to the school without the submission of an official Transfer Certificate from the institution last attended, nor will the student be placed in a class higher than that for which the Transfer Certificate shows him/ her to be qualified. The admission will be treated as provisional till the Transfer Certificate is submitted.
Fees once paid at the time of admission are not refundable even if the child does not attend school, in any case except the Security Deposit, in case of withdrawal. Security deposit (Refundable) will be refunded only when all dues to the school are cleared.
The School Management, acting through the managing council, reserves the right to have the final word in all matters relating to the admission procedure.
In case of change of board, student seeking admission in class XI, is required to submit migration certificate.
For the Challenged Candidates
DPS encourages education for all children. But as we are not equipped with special methodology for the challenged children, we humbly request the parent not to apply for the admission till we are equipped with such facility. If, in spite of the limitations, such children are incorporated into our system, the school cannot be held responsible in cases of their lack of adaptability, deficiencies in the art of comprehension, failure to meet the required academic standards and inevitable constraints in the path of holistic development.
Admission Formalities
The requisite documents mentioned in the selection letter along with the photocopy of the DD/ Payment Receipt/ fee slip is to be submitted within the specified date and time at the School Office for securing admission. The admission will be treated as provisional till the date of submission of the Final Term Mark sheet and Transfer Certificate from the present school. Please carry original documents for verification.
The requisite documents mentioned in the selection letter are to be submitted within the specified date to the School Office /City Office for securing admission after admission fee payment. Please refer to the list of documents mentioned below:
a) Photocopy of the fee payment slip or the admission fee payment acknowledgement receipt. If the payment is made via demand draft (DD), kindly submit a photocopy of it as well.
b) Undertaking form signed by both parents.
c) Photocopy of the birth certificate signed by either of the parents.
d) Photocopy of the Aadhar card of the student.
e) Photocopy of ID proof of both parents (Aadhar Card / PAN Card / Driving license) signed by either of the parents.
f) Original Transfer certificate –to be submitted before the student joins regular classes. Final Term Mark sheet and Transfer Certificate required (for Class 2 onwards) to be submitted before the beginning of the Academic Session Term TC will not qualify the child for the next higher class. The admission will be treated as provisional till the submission of the Final Term Mark sheet and Transfer Certificate from the present school.
g) Photocopy of the Final Term Report card attested by the parent – to be submitted before the beginning of the academic session. Class 9 final term mark sheet required for admission in Class 11.
h) ECS Mandate Form.
i) Transport Registration form (Optional).
j) Duly filled Medical Certificate (to be filled by a doctor, if any medical condition required to be disclosed).
k) For Single Parent–
i) On the demise of the parent – Death Certificate.
ii) On separation / Divorce – Legal document from the court along with the details of the child custody.
l) For Name / DOB other than mentioned in the Birth Certificate / ID Proof:
i) AFFIDAVIT if either of the parent or child have their name changed or different from that of the birth certificate or ID proof.
ii) Photocopy of the passport of the child
m) For Adoption
i) Adoption deed.
n) Passport & Visa detail form along with the Photocopy of Passport & Visa attested by parent (for foreign / NRI Students).
o) Local Guardian Nomination Form if the parents live out of town or if the guardian is not the same as the parents.
p) For Class XI only:
i) Original Transfer Certificate.
ii) Original Character Certificate.
iii) Board’s Mark sheet (Photocopy).
iv) Original Migration Certificate (in case of change in Board).
v) Pass Certificate (Photocopy).
Please Note
Students will not be admitted to a particular class until they have been assessed. The School reserves the right to admit them, only to those classes for which they have been found fit. The TC and mark sheet from the previous school should prove that the child qualifies for the class applied for.
Admission will only be granted based on assessment for the class in which admission is sought.
Students seeking admission (Class 2 onwards) cannot be admitted until a Transfer Certificate and Report Card / Mark Sheet from the previous school is produced.
Quarterly Education and Transport Fees are to be paid through ECS only.
Admission does not guarantee transport facility. The School reserves the right to extend transport facilities to the students on availability of seats and the stoppage requested. The school’s decision will be considered final.
Parents are requested to follow the guidelines and School’s rules mentioned in the Almanac and should periodically check the same for information & instructions provided by the school from time to time.
Admission will be considered complete once all formalities are completed and the Transfer Certificate, Previous Class Mark sheet & Character Certificate are submitted to the school office within the stipulated date.
General Instructions for Offline Registration
The registration form is to be filled in BLOCK LETTERS and submitted in person, to the School Office (between 10 am – 3 pm) / City Office (between 10 am – 3 pm) within 3 days from the date of issue of the form. The parent/guardian is requested to bring the Original Money Receipt (issued at the time of purchase of Prospectus) at the time of submission of Registration Form.
It is mandatory for the parents to fill-up the Registration form themselves. An incomplete registration will automatically be rejected.
The name of the applicant, father’s name/ mother’s name, date of birth etc. should be provided correctly as appears in the Student’s Birth Certificate.
It is mandatory to fill all the details. In case a field does not apply to you please mention NA (Not Applicable)
Parent details required to be filled up – father/mother/both. If you are a single parent, select father or mother and the both if there is shared responsibility. Legal document for single parent required to be submitted.
Fill in the Local Guardian Nomination form if guardian is different from parents.
Age criteria should be strictly maintained. In any case if the child’s age does not match with the class he/she is seeking admission, the management holds the right to cancel the registration. (Refer Age Criteria)
Parents should apply for the class in which the student is eligible for. The TC and the mark sheet from the previous school (Class 2 onwards) should prove that the child qualifies for the class applied for. Mid Term TC will not qualify the child for next higher class.
Date for examination / observation / interaction will be intimated during registration. However, these may be changed, without prior notice, by the School Management without citing any cause.
No request for changes of dates & time for Admission Test / Interaction will be entertained.
At the time of registration, duly filled up and signed registration form for students is to be submitted at City Office / School Office along with the following documents photocopy:
i. Attach one photocopy of the child’s Birth Certificate issued by Municipal Corporation / any other competent Authority / Passport self-attested. Do not enclose Birth Certificate issued by Nursing Home/Hospital. Care must be taken to ensure that the date of birth on the Registration form tallies with that on the original Birth Certificate.
ii. Paste three latest identical stamp size colour photographs of the Child on Registration Form, Medical form, Student Admit Card & Parent Card respectively. Also paste stamp size colour photographs of each Parent on Registration Form.
iii. Medical form (original) duly filled up, to be submitted at the time of registration. Photocopy of vaccination card to be attached.
iv. Get Medical’s Certificate (form) duly filled by Doctor, if any allergies, medical conditions or health issues need to be disclosed.
v. Photocopy of the Mark Sheet / Report Card of the last annual examination appeared in the previous school, class IX and pre-board mark sheet for students seeking admission in class XI.
vi. Photocopy of Aadhar card (parent’s & child).
Vii. Photocopy of Passport & Visa for foreigners.
Registration does not imply admission, which is subject to admission tests/observation/interaction and availability of seats.
The school management reserves the right to reject any application without providing any reasons whatsoever.
Incomplete or illegible Registration Forms will not be accepted. The Registration Form should be complete in all respect and the information provided should be true. In case of discrepancy with the facts, the school authority reserves the right to cancel the Registration form as well as the admission of the Child.
Registration will not be carried out if any of the required documents/ photographs are missing.
In case any applicant fails to meet the eligibility criteria but still applies, then the online application will stand cancelled. No refund of money will be made against the charges paid towards the registration fee.
No Application of a rejected candidate will be accepted. If a rejected applicant applies and his/her application passes the initial screening, the application will be rejected as soon as the re-application is identified by the school authority.
No duplicate application/registration will be accepted. Once registered and appeared for examination / interaction, a student cannot register again. The duplicate application if found will be rejected by the School Authority.
Note: The parent who has collected the physical form will be required to visit the School Office to submit the forms & documents, and will receive the Admit Card with Registration Number, Date & Time of Examination/Interaction from the School Reception.
General Instructions for Online Registration
Read all instructions carefully before you apply for online application for admission.
Instructions for filling up Online Form Note: Registration can be done online from Campuscare or Admissiontree.
Please fill the Admission E-application form with true details in every respect.
The red dot indicates mandatory field and required to be filled up. It is mandatory to fill all the field marked (*). In red. In case a field is not applicable to you please mention NA (Not Applicable)
The maximum size of document should be less than 1 MB.
The scanned document needs to be uploaded by clicking on the choose file icon- then selecting the file that has the data and finally uploading it.
Parent details required to be filled up – father/mother/both. If you are a single parent, select father or mother and both if there is shared responsibility. Legal documents for single parents are required to be submitted.
Fill in the Guardian details if the guardian is different from the parents.
Fill in the transport details if your child wants to avail transport facility.
After filling up and submitting the form, a payment of Rs.1500 plus a conveyance fee (GST applicable) has to be paid online. The registration fee paid is not refundable.
Download and Print the Filled up Registration Form, Medical Form & Doctor’s Certificate, Local Guardian Nomination Form (if required), Filled up Subject Selection Form (Class IX &Class XI), Syllabus and the Student and Parent Admit Cards. The duly signed forms and other documents are required to be submitted at the time of document submission at the school office after selection and admission fee payment.
The name of the applicant, father’s name/ mother’s name, date of birth etc. should be provided correctly as appears in the Birth Certificate.
It is mandatory for the parents to fill out the Registration form themselves. An incomplete registration will automatically be rejected.
Age criteria should be strictly maintained. In any case if the child’s age does not match the class he/she is seeking admission, the management holds the right to cancel the registration. (Refer Age Criteria)
Parents should apply for the class in which the student is eligible. The TC and the mark sheet from the previous school (Class 2 onwards) should prove that the child qualifies for the class applied for. Mid-term TC will not qualify the child for the next higher class.
The following documents are required to be uploaded at the time of online registration:
i. Attach a scanned copy of the child’s Birth Certificate issued by Municipal Corporation / any other competent Authority / Passport self-attested. Do not enclose Birth Certificate issued by the Nursing Home/Hospital. Care must be taken to ensure that the date of birth on the Registration form tallies with that on the original Birth Certificate.
ii. upload the latest identical stamp size colour photographs of the Child, and each parent separately.
iii. Upload Legal document for single parent (if single parent option is selected)
iv. Both Parents’ scanned signatures.
After completing the form, click on the “Submit” button. You will proceed with online payment and after successful online payment you will be able to download the Prospectus and General Instructions, Syllabus, Admit Card, filled-up Registration Form, Medical Certificate, Local Guardian Nomination Form (if required), Passport & Visa details (for Foreign Students/Nationality other than Indian), Filled-up Subject Selection Form (Class IX &Class XI).
The registration details like Registration Number, Admission Exam/Interaction Date and Time will be assigned and intimated through Email after submission of the online form and payment done, within a few days of registration. Parents are requested to download and print the Admit card which is required to produce on the day of the entrance examination.
You will also receive your USER ID and PASSWORD through Registration Email.
The USER ID & PASSWORD should be preserved by the parent to check the online registration status of the applicant and to download the forms/ documents mentioned earlier.
The USER ID & PASSWORD should be preserved by the parent to check the online registration status of the applicant and to download the forms/ documents mentioned earlier.
No request for changes of dates & times for Admission Test / Interaction will be entertained.
You are required to take a print of the duly filled Registration Form and Subject Selection Form (Class IX & Class XI) as well as the registration fee payment acknowledgement receipt.
Download and print the Medical Certificate form. Get the Medical Certificate duly filled by Doctor to be submitted at the school reception later at the time of admission if allergy or other medical conditions required to be disclosed. Photocopy of vaccination card to be attached.
Registration does not imply admission, which is subject to the Admission Exam / Observation / Interaction and availability of seats.
The school management reserves the right to reject any application without providing any reasons whatsoever.
Incomplete or illegible Registration Forms will not be accepted. The Registration Form should be complete in all respects and the information provided should be true. In case of discrepancy with the facts, the school authority reserves the right to cancel the Registration form as well as the admission of the Child.
Registration will not be carried out if any of the above documents/ photographs are missing.
In case any applicant fails to meet the eligibility criteria but still applies, then the online application will stand cancelled. No refund of money will be made against the charges paid for the E-Application.
No Application of a rejected/not selected candidate will be accepted. If a rejected applicant applies and his/her application passes the initial screening, the application will be rejected as soon as the re-application is identified by the school authority.
No duplicate application/registration will be accepted. Once registered and appeared for examination/interaction, a student cannot register again. The School Authority will reject the duplicate application if found.
The following documents are required to be submitted at the School reception at the time of admission along with the Undertaking and admission fee payment receipt.
i. A copy of the Aadhar card of the child signed by either of the parents (if available).
ii. A copy of ID proof of both parents (Aadhar Card / Passport/ PAN Card / Driving License) signed by either of the parents.
iii. Photocopy of the Mark Sheet / Report Card of the last annual examination the student appeared in the previous school. Class IX final mark sheet and pre-board mark sheet for students seeking admission in class XI.
iv. Original Transfer Certificate from the last School attended. No student will be admitted to the school without the submission of an official Transfer Certificate from the institution last attended, nor will the student be placed in a class higher than that for which the Transfer Certificate shows him/ her to be qualified. The admission will be treated as provisional till the Transfer Certificate is submitted.
v. Submit the Medical Certificate if any allergy, medical condition or health issue needs to be disclosed. The form is attached to the selection email.
vi. Original Migration certificate for Class XI students if migrating from other boards (apart from ISCE)
vii. For Single Parent:
a. On the demise of a parent – Death Certificate.
b. On separation / Divorce – Legal document from the court along with the details of child custody.
viii. For Name Change:
a. Name Change Affidavit.
b. Application for updating the school record.
ix. For Foreign Students (Students with nationality other than India): Please submit the duly filled Passport & Visa details form along with the child’s photocopies of the Passport & visa.
x. Please submit the completed Local Guardian Nomination Form if the parents live out of town or if the guardian is not the same as the parents.
Notes |
Please pay Quarterly Due Amount by Due Dates. Payment beyond due dates attract Late Fines as below: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rs. 250/- will be charged for the first 10 days after 10th day of every quarter Beginning | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rs. 500/- for the next 10 days | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rs . 1000/- for the next 10 days | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rs. 2500/- for the next 10 days | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fees & Billing |
Entrance Examination / Interaction [Offline]
Both copies of the Admit Card are to be brought at the time of Admission Test / Interaction. The Parent’s Card is to be retained by Parent / Guardian and is required to be produced to collect the child after the Admission Test / Interaction is over.
For admission to Nursery, KG-I and KG-II there are no written tests or interviews. Candidates are encouraged to interact freely with the teachers and are given various toys/ coloured pencils to play with. This test judges the mental development, physical ability and basic communication & comprehension skills. Parents’ interaction will be held on the same day as of the child and both parents should be present.
There will be written tests for students seeking admission for Class – I onwards on the following subjects: English, Maths, G.K. and Vernacular language(Bengali/ Hindi). For class XI there will be a written exam on the following subjects: English, Maths, Commerce or Science (physics, chemistry, biology) or History and Geography for approximately 3 hrs for offline examination. For online exams time constraints will not be applicable. For Class – 9, the students have to appear in all subjects based on Class – 8 ICSE Syllabus.
No admission test is required for Class 11 internal students, Provisional admission will be granted to all registered students subject to submission of admission fee and required documents.
Entrance Examination / Interaction [Online]
Online entrance examinations for students living abroad may be arranged upon request from parents, subject to approval by the school management. The examination or interaction will take place on a scheduled date at a mutually convenient time via Zoom or Google Meet, with the link provided through WhatsApp before the exam or interaction date.
General information
The Result will be communicated to the parent through SMS and email. Parents are requested to call school reception to know the result on the result date if SMS not received. The Selection kit will be provided to the selected students only on the registered email ID.
No request for change of dates for the Admission Test / Interview/ Interaction will be entertained.
The final list of selected students will be available in the School Office. Parents have to collect the selection letter from School Office on the same day of declaration of result. The selection kit will also be sent to the registered email ID.
The admission formalities will be intimated to the parents/guardians of the selected candidates along with the fee payment slip through the selection kit. The admission fees are to be deposited within the due date mentioned in the selection letter, and fee slips.
The requisite documents mentioned in the selection letter along with the photocopy of the fee payment acknowledgement receipt to be submitted within the specified date for securing admission. Parents can submit the documents through email to
It is mandatory for all students (Class 2 onwards) to submit the Transfer Certificate and Report Card / Mark Sheet from the last School attended. No student will be admitted to the school without the submission of an official Transfer Certificate from the institution last attended, nor will the student be placed in a class higher than that for which the Transfer Certificate shows him/ her to be qualified. The admission will be treated as provisional till the Transfer Certificate is submitted.
Fees once paid at the time of admission are not refundable even if the child does not attend school, in any case except the Security Deposit, in case of withdrawal. Security deposit (Refundable) will be refunded only when all dues to the school are cleared.
The School Management, acting through the managing council, reserves the right to have the final word in all matters relating to the admission procedure.
In case of change of board, student seeking admission in class XI, is required to submit migration certificate.
For the Challenged candidates
DPS encourages education for all children. But as we are not equipped with special methodology for the challenged children, we humbly request the parent not to apply for the admission till we are equipped with such facility. If, in spite of the limitations, such children are incorporated into our system, the school cannot be held responsible in cases of their lack of adaptability, deficiencies in the art of comprehension, failure to meet the required academic standards and inevitable constraints in the path of holistic development.
Admission Formalities
The Selection kit will be provided to the selected students only. The selection kit includes information related to admission formalities, fee payment slips, etc. The admission fee is to be deposited within the due date mentioned in the selection letter/fee slip.
The requisite documents mentioned in the selection letter along with the photocopy of the DD/ Payment Receipt/ fee slip is to be submitted within the specified date and time at the School Office for securing admission. The admission will be treated as provisional till the date of submission of the Final Term Mark sheet and Transfer Certificate from the present school. Please carry original documents for verification.
The requisite documents mentioned in the selection letter are to be submitted within the specified date to the School Office /City Office for securing admission after admission fee payment. Please refer to the list of documents mentioned below:
a) Photocopy of the fee payment slip or the admission fee payment acknowledgement receipt. If the payment is made via demand draft (DD), kindly submit a photocopy of it as well.
b) Undertaking form signed by both parents.
c) Photocopy of the birth certificate signed by either of the parents.
d) Photocopy of the Aadhar card of the student.
e) Photocopy of ID proof of both parents (Aadhar Card / PAN Card / Driving license) signed by either of the parents.
f) Original Transfer certificate –to be submitted before the student joins regular classes. Final Term Mark sheet and Transfer Certificate required (for Class 2 onwards) to be submitted before the beginning of the Academic Session Term TC will not qualify the child for the next higher class. The admission will be treated as provisional till the submission of the Final Term Mark sheet and Transfer Certificate from the present school.
g) Photocopy of the Final Term Report card attested by the parent – to be submitted before the beginning of the academic session. Class 9 final term mark sheet required for admission in Class 11.
h) ECS Mandate Form.
i) Transport Registration form (Optional).
j) Duly filled Medical Certificate (to be filled by a doctor, if any medical condition required to be disclosed).
k) For Single Parent–
i) On the demise of the parent – Death Certificate.
ii) On separation / Divorce – Legal document from the court along with the details of the child custody.
l) For Name / DOB other than mentioned in the Birth Certificate / ID Proof:
i) AFFIDAVIT if either of the parent or child have their name changed or different from that of the birth certificate or ID proof.
ii) Photocopy of the passport of the child
m) For Adoption
i) Adoption deed.
n) Passport & Visa detail form along with the Photocopy of Passport & Visa attested by parent (for foreign / NRI Students).
o) Local Guardian Nomination Form if the parents live out of town or if the guardian is not the same as the parents.
p) For Class XI only:
i) Original Transfer Certificate.
ii) Original Character Certificate.
iii) Board’s Mark sheet (Photocopy).
iv) Original Migration Certificate (in case of change in Board).
v) Pass Certificate (Photocopy).
Please Note
Fees once paid at the time of admission are not refundable even if the child does not attend school, except refundable security deposit in case of withdrawal. Refundable security Deposit will be refunded if the admission fee paid in full and fees till the relevant quarter is paid.
Students will not be admitted to a particular class until they have been assessed. The School reserves the right to admit them, only to those classes for which they have been found fit. The TC and mark sheet from the previous school should prove that the child qualifies for the class applied for.
Admission will only be granted based on assessment for the class in which admission is sought.
Students seeking admission (Class 2 onwards) cannot be admitted until a Transfer Certificate and Report Card / Mark Sheet from the previous school is produced.
Quarterly Education and Transport Fees are to be paid through ECS only.
Admission does not guarantee transport facility. The School reserves the right to extend transport facilities to the students on availability of seats and the stoppage requested. The school’s decision will be considered final.
Parents are requested to follow the guidelines and School’s rules mentioned in the Almanac and should periodically check the same for information & instructions provided by the school from time to time.
Admission will be considered complete once all formalities are completed and the Transfer Certificate, Previous Class Mark sheet & Character Certificate are submitted to the school office within the stipulated date.
Age of the candidate (as on 31.03.2025) based on the birth certificate, which will determine the eligibility of admission to a particular class. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Age criteria should be strictly maintained. In any case if the child’s age does not match with the class he/she is seeking admission, the management holds the right to cancel the registration/Admission. (Refer age criteria given below.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note: Parents should apply for admission in the class in which the student is eligible. The TC and marksheet from previous school should prove that the child qualifies for the class applied. |
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