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The Annual Review for KG2 and Class I at Delhi Public School Megacity is a significant milestone in the academic journey of young learners, marked by reflection, assessment, and celebration of their growth and achievements throughout the year. This comprehensive review process encompasses academic performance, developmental milestones, and social-emotional progress, providing parents and teachers with valuable insights into each child’s learning journey.

Delhi Public School Megacity emphasizes a holistic approach to education, ensuring that the Annual Review goes beyond academic metrics to include observations on communication skills, creativity, and social interactions. Teachers conduct assessments through various methods, including observations, informal discussions, and age-appropriate evaluations, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of each student’s strengths and areas for improvement.

The Annual Review is not only a time to assess academic progress but also to celebrate the unique talents and accomplishments of every child. It serves as a platform for constructive feedback and goal setting for the upcoming year, fostering a supportive partnership between parents and teachers in nurturing each child’s potential. Delhi Public School Megacity values the Annual Review as an integral part of its commitment to personalized education and continuous improvement, ensuring that every student receives the guidance and encouragement needed to thrive academically and personally.

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