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Delhi Public School Megacity in Kolkata joyously celebrates the vibrant tradition of Rath Yatra, a grand spectacle that captivates the entire school community. As the auspicious day dawns, the school campus transforms into a colorful tapestry of devotion and festivity. Intricately adorned chariots, reminiscent of the ones in Puri, stand tall, ready to carry the divine deities on their ceremonial journey. Students, adorned in traditional attire, eagerly await the procession, their hearts brimming with reverence and excitement. Led by chanting and devotional music, the chariots weave through the campus, symbolizing the divine presence among the school’s corridors. Teachers and students alike participate with zeal, pulling the ropes of the chariots, an act believed to bestow blessings and prosperity. Alongside the procession, cultural programs and exhibitions showcase the rich heritage and spiritual significance of Rath Yatra, enriching the educational experience. The air resonates with joyous hymns and the aroma of incense, creating an atmosphere of spiritual fervor and unity. Rath Yatra at DPS Megacity serves not only as a religious observance but also as a celebration of cultural diversity and harmony, fostering a sense of pride and reverence for India’s rich cultural tapestry.

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